ONE | Eat and Tell
With 4-million reviews written and 15-million visitors a month, Yelp is changing the business of reviews for those doing the reviewing and the businesses doing the listening. Individual Yelpers now meet offline to compare notes on what they’re saying online. Business marketers, such as Liz Johanesen (marketing director at Kimpton Hotels) are paying attention to Yelp. Liz says, “It’s an exciting new channel for us to harvest. We went from disbelief to suspicion to fully embracing it.” >> READ MORE
TWO | In Era of Blog Sniping, Companies Shoot First
“Today, whatever you say inside of a company will end up on a blog. So you have a choice as a company—you can either be proactive and take the offensive and say, ‘Here’s what’s going on’ or you can let someone else write the story for you.” — Rusty Rueff, former HR executive at Electronic Arts. >> READ MORE
THREE | Getting a Foothold in Social Media
Amber Naslund has published as good of a business-minded primer on Social Media as you’ll find. Since you’re reading about this Social Media primer e-book on a blog, YOU already get it. However, others you know don’t get it. So, share this primer with those you know who still don’t get it. Come on, do it. >> READ MORE
Hi John - thanks for the share! I'm pretty darn passionate about helping companies do this stuff for real, and in a way that makes sense for their companies. Your blog is chock full of that too,which is what keeps me coming back every time. Thanks again.
Posted by: Amber Naslund | November 05, 2008 at 11:24 AM
Amber rocks. Good to see her get her props here. #2 can't be repeated enough. PR pros need to wake up. What is it going to take?
Posted by: olivier Blanchard | November 05, 2008 at 06:51 PM