ONE | The New Yorker visits Snow’s BBQ
The best BBQ joint in Texas keeps getting attention. This time, The New Yorker visits. For those needing a refresher on Snow’s BBQ, read this post and watch this video ditty. >> READ MORE
TWO | A Scarcity of Achievement
Malcolm Galdwell recently spoke at Pop!Tech and shared some interesting tid-bits from his just published book, OUTLIERS. >> WATCH VIDEO
THREE | Malcolm Gladwell is "Unoriginal" and "Unserious"
Jason Zengerle takes a critical look into Malcolm Gladwell and his impact. Agree or disagree, its an interesting article about an interesting man.>> READ MORE
Gladwell fascinates me, and should fascinate anyone who takes a run at this pundit thing. The Tipping Point, for example, was a facile rehash of work done in the early '60s on diffusion theory. But... he is a genius at packaging this stuff and making it accessible, leaving you feeling smarter than you were at the beginning of the book without making you feel stupid when you started reading. And he has the best physical branding of anyone in the game. These days, content counts for nothing if you don't have the vessel right.
Posted by: Bruce Philp | December 05, 2008 at 01:17 PM