Finn McKenty blogs smartly at Lightheavyweight. (It's a worthy read blog.) He also assists with The Greener Grass project, which is about connecting people with ideas designed to have a positive impact.
Recently, Finn asked me a few questions about the of role "authenticity" in branding. You can read the short interview here ... a snippet follows.
Greener Grass: Can authenticity be created? If so, how can companies build a culture that values authenticity, transparency and honesty?
John Moore: "This belief that authenticity can be created is what gets companies in trouble. Authenticity comes from evolution, not from creation. No magic pill exists and no big bang will cause a company to become authentic. The honor of being authentic is earned only over time and through consistent, deliberate actions. Same goes for building a corporate culture. A company that respects its employees and treats its employees like family will be rewarded with being viewed by insiders and outsiders as an authentic company."
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