Consider this a heads-up. CBS will be airing a profile on John Mackey and Whole Foods Market during this Sunday’s (June 4, 2006) edition of 60 MINUTES.
For marketing insights into Whole Foods ... CLICK HERE.
As a marketingologist with the Brand Autopsy Marketing Practice, I give companies “Second Opinions” about the business and marketing activities they are currently doing or considering doing.
This should be good. As they become an ever bigger food retailer I hear they're drawing attention of the big box stores who want to sell me my Puffins. How will WFM compete and will they successfully try to stay green?
Posted by: Mr. Food Markets | June 03, 2006 at 01:17 AM
I believe at this point in their history they ARE the Big Box of natural/organic foods. Can't wait to see the report. Very interesting times for them coming up.
Posted by: Matt Armendariz | June 03, 2006 at 09:22 PM
This should be a great special. I know there is a lot of heat concerning this issue, but in my opinion it is hard to complain about a chain store that is trying hard to be health and consumer conscious.
Posted by: Joel Jacobsen | June 04, 2006 at 04:16 PM
This should be a great special. I know there is a lot of heat concerning this issue, but in my opinion it is hard to complain about a chain store that is trying hard to be health and consumer conscious.
Posted by: Smiley | June 04, 2006 at 04:18 PM
In the previos post, there is is this line... "but in my opinion it is hard to complain about a chain store that is trying hard to be health and consumer conscious." Well my partner works for Whole Foods and it is NOT a good place to work. He works with people who are potheads! The company is well know for being anti-union!
Posted by: WholeFoodsWidow | June 07, 2006 at 05:01 PM
And when did anti-union equate to being supportive of potheads? I am both anti-union and a NON-pothead. In my opinion however, potheads are more likely to be health food conscious (the "back-to-nature" concept) than your typical Yuppie. Not that I support potheads, but I think the implication of potheads and a company being non-union, mentioned in the same paragraph, is short-sighted. I did a recent comparison on breads between the typical grocery store and Whole Foods and found that in the grocery store, the #3 component in most "Whole Grain" (supposedly healthy) breads (ie. Orowheat and other popular "healthy" breads) was High Fructose Corn Syrup. Not so in Whole Foods. I'd rather buy a truly healthy bread from a pot-smoking, non-union employee than a unionized Yuppie pushing something as unhealthy as High Fructose Corn Syrup. And we wonder why our population is so obese....
Posted by: chirochrisf | June 07, 2006 at 05:56 PM
Yo, yo, yo ... Let's keep this thread on-topic. Just trying to help ensure the peace.
Posted by: johnmoore (from Brand Autopsy) | June 07, 2006 at 06:28 PM