Over nearly two decades, the dumping of the Gatorade cooler on the coach has become a tradition at every level of sports. During any given fall weekend, a Gatorade dunking happens on a football field in every state and the reporting of the event gives the brand countless free media mentions and impressions every year.[source: FIRST IN THIRST (pgs. 77-78)]
While the Gatorade Dunk has become one of the most well known marketing moments in sports, Gatorade marketers haven’t exploited the Gatorade Dunk with over-the-top multi-dimensional marketing campaigns. Instead, Gatorade marketers have allowed this marketing moment to happen serendipitously with little prodding from the company.
In an email exchange with Darren, he had this to say about how Gatorade marketers view the Gatorade dunk opportunity …
The Gatorade Dunk was first recognized during the 1985-86 season, when the New York Giants started doing it after every victory. They, of course, went on to win the Super Bowl, which was the ultimate marketing coup for Gatorade.Early on, Gatorade officials realized that while this was great exposure, it had to be spontaneous. The minute something like this was planned, it would ruin the moment.
Gatorade officials had offers for planned dunks proposed by agents of players and a NASCAR official came up with the idea that they should do an upside down Gatorade logo on the cooler so that when a driver's team turned it upside down, the logo would appear right side up.
Credit Gatorade marketers for having the discipline not to "over-market" something seen as being genuine and spontaneous by consumers.
That is a great example of covert marketing by Gatorade.
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Posted by: Dave | June 24, 2007 at 10:24 AM