I’m jumping on the Top 24 Project bandwagon initiated by Todd (from @ A Penny For) and sharing my favorite Brand Autopsy posts from the past year. The following twenty-four Brand Autopsy blog links are grouped into three categories – Rants, Reviews, and Ruminations. I hope you are enjoying the Holidays.
1. BANG – Unfinished Business!
(I hated the book cause it is ego-driven drivel from two ad execs)
2. Public Radio Pledge Drive Do’s & Don’ts
(Advice for public radio stations on improving their fund drives)
3. The Tom Peters Re-Imagine Rants
(Ranting and raving about how Tom’s "Re-Imagine" book has too much information to easily digest)
4. Fight the Propaganda
(A debate on political advertising between myself and Brand Examiner Paul)
5. BzzAgent rants part 1 and part 2
(I'm a HUGE customer evangelism advocate, I just don’t like how BzzAgent seeds/promotes the process)
6. Music, Margins, Motives, and Mochas [Starbucks rants part 1 and part 2]
(My former employer needs to concentrate more on mochas and less on music)
7. Fast Company Reader’s Remedies
(Whoa! We captured lots of great input on how Fast Company can reclaim its luster)
8. GoDaddy.com and the Superbowl
(GoDaddy.com is gambling big-time by going ‘all-in’ in a game of Super Bowl Advertising Hold’em)
9. Worthy Reads Worthless Reads ONE
(What’s worth reading and what’s not worth reading …)
10. Worthy Reads Worthless Reads TWO
(More what’s worth reading and what’s not worth reading …)
11. Worthy Reads Worthless Reads THREE
(And even more what’s worth reading and what’s not worth reading …)
12. Buisness Book Blog Tour - Creating Customer Evangelists
(Brand Autopsy riffs with Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba, clairvoyant customer evangelist evangelists)
13. Business Blog Book Tour - Free Prize Inside
(Brand Autopsy riffs with Seth "Make Things Happen" Godin)
14. Inauthenticity of Authenticity
(Stephen Brown, marketing gadlfly, has an interesting take on ‘authenticity’)
15. Product Anti-Placement
(Bob Odenkirk, comedian, has a prediction for the next iteration of product placement)
16. Customer Loyalty … Think High-Touch, Not High-Tech
(As marketers, we’ve over-complicated this ‘customer loyalty’ thang)
17. Street Corner Selling
(7 business lessons from drug dealers ... yes, drug dealers)
18. Brand Loyalty Matrimony
(What if we pledged our unconditional love for a brand in a covenant?)
19. Lessons Radio Stations can Learn from Starbucks and Whole Foods Market
(The title is self-explanatory … right?)
20. What the Marketing World Needs Now
(Thoughts on the issue of 'marketing reform')
21. Which Wich Superior Sandwiches
(A short profile on how a new business is making the common sandwich uncommon)
22. Always Say Who You Are
(Some Starbucks marketing Tribal Knowledge for ya)
23. Marketing Cornucopia
(What happens when ‘Marketing Myopia’ goes bad?)
24. Alex Wipperfurth is Cool … Really Cool
(Alex has smart things to say about marketing and branding)
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