Just because we have labeled it work that doesn't mean it has to be serious, stiff and boring. That's exactly the philosophy of Portland based company/troupe On Your Feet. They use improv and the philosophies of improv to teach companies to manage better under pressure and to find new ways to "create, relate, and communicate with skill and agility."
Here's how they describe it.
Business is uncertain Great ideas emerge under the right conditions Audiences want to be engaged Teams want to be surprised Actions matter Most meetings suck
That's where improv can help.
To learn more about their antics, we (the marketing medics from Brand Autopsy) attended a ‘Play Day’ in Portland last week. They offer an afternoon 'try before you buy' where they share the methods of their madness.
Gary Hirsh and the gang at On Your Feet demonstrated how they "help organizations and individuals engage their audiences, generate breakthrough ideas, facilitate organizational learning, strengthen their culture, and discover new possibilities for their brand, all while having a ridiculously good time."
We had a blast.
If your usual methods of motivation have lost momentum... perhaps you need a boost of jest - check out On Your Feet.
you two sassy renegades are killing me. How are finding the money to expense all these creative trips? You both are trust fund babies, right? :)
good stuff.
Posted by: kirsten | September 30, 2004 at 09:19 AM
I've been intrigued with the connection between Improvisational Comedy training and collaborative work since going through the legendary Players Workshop in Chicago a couple years back.
Over at the Work Better Weblog I frequently dig into the principles of Improv how it can be applied in the workplace.
Posted by: Garrick Van Buren | October 04, 2004 at 01:50 PM
"Most meetings suck?"
BORING Meetings Suck
Posted by: Don The Idea Guy | October 08, 2004 at 08:56 AM