The Business Blog Book Tour 2 visited Brand Autopsy yesterday ... Jackie Huba and Ben McConnell really rocked the house. They played all their hits and they debuted a new thought, "Creating Customer Vigilantes".
It was a pleasure to have them; however, their backstage rider contained a few odd requests that Paul and I had to fulfill. Ben specifically asked for a heaping plate of prosciutto and mozzarella. Not to be out done, Jackie requested Cristal, champagne glasses, and bendy straws. Paul and I obliged but for some reason we were not invited to the after-party. What gives?
Anyway, the Creating Customer Evangelists tour continues at these blog sites:
March 17 - Ensight
March 18 - Business Evolutionist
March 19 - What's Your Brand Mantra?
March 22 -
March 23 -
March 24 - Small Business Blog
March 25 - A Penny For...
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