I'll apologize upfront for "preaching to the choir." Cause if you are reading this marketing-related blog, then you most likely also read Tim Manners’ Reveries and receive his daily Cool News of the Day email. (And if you don't, then do not pass go and do not collect $200 until you sign-up to receive the Reveries email.)
Tim is a marketing godsend. Yes, a marketing godsend. The service he provides to marketers is unparalleled. He scours (for those still with a dot-com hangover, substitute aggregate for scour) articles from around the globe that stimulate his marketing mind. It just so happens these articles also stimulate this marketer’s mind. He doesn’t simply link to the interesting articles, he condenses the articles into an easily digestible three paragraph summary. No fluff, just the crux. For us time-starved marketers ... Tim is a godsend.
Recently, I received my copy of Tim’s recently published book -- Cool News about Retail: from Warhol to Wal-Mart. (This is Tim's second book from his Reveries writings, his first was Cool News of the Day Volume One.)
Cool News about Retail is a compilation of 92 retail-focused stories from the past 14 months of his daily Cool News of the Day email. The stories have held up well over the months and all of them are still extremely relevant. And, for some reason, these stories seem to resonate more with me on paper than through email. Maybe its because I can't dog-ear an email like I can a page in a book. Or maybe the act of being able to highlight phrases and scribble notes in the margins makes reading the paper version more meaningful than the email version.
As I mentioned in an earlier blog, a good marketing book to me is one that helps me generate new ideas that I can implement at work. Cool News about Retail did just that. I dog-eared 21% of the pages in this short book. Yep, 19 of the 89 pages have been dog-eared. And, the blank pages in the back of the book are jammed with notes and ideas.
I highly encourage you to pick up Cool News About Retail.
Cool? Cool.
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